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We are very pleased to welcome Lorna Nunez and Samantha Villazan to the Board of the Open Door Family Medical Center and Leslie Chang to the Open Door Foundation Board. Lorna Nunez Trained as a scientist in Chile, Lorna came to the United States early in her career to pursue advanced immunological research. For more than a decade, she’s worked […]
It’s 6 o’clock on a Monday evening and a dozen adults, socially distanced in a room at the Open Door Family Medical Center in Sleepy Hollow, are beginning an in-person technology class as part of a unique program offered by the Federally Qualified Health Center. The participants work on Chrome Books they received as part of a […]
Evidence shows that while the physical effects of COVID-19 have not been as severe for most children as they have for adults, the mental health impact has been every bit as great. And, as with the disruption caused by the virus on all families, our low-income families and communities of color have been hit the […]
Mother’s Day is a moment to reflect on how mothers and daughters have been inspired to help other mothers and their families during these difficult times. This has been particularly true at Open Door Family Medical Center, where the Federally Qualified Health Center seeks to ensure its patients, who are among the area’s most vulnerable, […]
Joni Siegler, a longtime Ossining resident, will share the art of floral arrangement and lead you and other participants through the design process, focusing on the use of flowers to enhance and reflect the individuality of your home. Joni will demonstrate two different styles of floral arranging and lead participants in creating an arrangement for their homes, exploring […]