Baby Bundle

Even under the best circumstances, the birth of a new baby can be overwhelming. Then consider the stress of living in poverty and not being able to provide the most basic essentials for your newborn.
At Open Door, our midwives deliver nearly 400 babies a year. The majority of our patients live at or below the federal poverty level. They struggle with inadequate housing, food insecurity, low levels of health literacy, and cultural/language barriers. Add to this the emotional and financial pressure of a new baby and the precarious balance of daily life can be at risk.
The Open Door Baby Bundle provides Open Door prenatal patients with newborn necessities and information about resources available at Open Door and in the community. Each Bundle is packed with basic newborn essentials: diapers, wipes, sleep sack, onesies, socks, baby toy, cloth bib, newborn thermometer, baby book and seasonal clothes.
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Addressing systemic health problems takes more than a simple bundle. It takes a plan. All women who deliver their babies with Open Door are supported by a Patient Advocate who provides prenatal information, access to benefits and insurance, guidance about nutrition and wellness, advice on coping with stress, assistance in monitoring medication and help with financial planning.
New mothers are encouraged to use WIC (Women, Infant and Children) services at Open Door. WIC is a federal program that encourages breastfeeding and provides nutritional food and support services.
The Baby Bundle is supported only through donations, and the entire Bundle costs $200 per patient. Your support helps ensure that Open Door provides these essential items and critical prenatal patient support. Help our patients keep their lives on track and give their babies a healthy and safe start in life. Click here to Donate.