Open Door Family Medical Center rolled out the red carpet to celebrate World Breastfeeding Week with WIC (Women, Infants and Children) breastfeeding mothers and babies at Brewster and Ossining Open Door locations. The celebration embraced the whole family, as siblings and partners also attended.
Highlights of the day included “The Big Latch,” – a time where mothers all over the world were invited to breastfeed – Mom and Baby Yoga, professional family portraits, arts and crafts for the older children, and a food demo highlighting healthy recipes that incorporate WIC foods.
“Open Door is committed to WIC and recognizes the impact WIC has on promoting nutritionally sound practices from conception. Open Door fully supports WIC in promoting breastfeeding as being vital to the lifelong good health and wellbeing of women and children. World Breastfeeding Week is celebrated annually at Open Door, and we are already looking forward to next year’s event” – said WIC Nutritionist and Breastfeeding Coordinator Ellen Pospishil.